Well, we’ve had the doors to the studio closed for a year now except for appointment visits. We’re still here and we’re adjusting. Regular hours and open all day aren’t working now but we’d be happy to be here for you if you’ve found something on the website that you’d like to see in person. I’m also going to try to get back to updating more often although productivity has also suffered a little in the last while. Keep your head up. We’ll find a way.
Abstract work in the studio
Lately I’ve been spending some time exploring more abstract concepts and working to free up my thinking. Check out a few of the most recent pieces here or drop by and check them out in person.
The May 9th Art Fort Langley Art Walk and Wine Tasting event was a great success! We had a full house for several hours and the reviews from attendees were great. We can’t wait to see everyone again next year. If you missed out this year but you saw everyone walking through town enjoying themselves you can sign up to join the Art Fort Langley mailing list to get early access to tickets next year and hear about other events that will be announced throughout the year. Visit: artfortlangley.com/join
GET YOUR TICKETS EARLY!! This is shaping up to be a great event. We’ve got a lot of artists taking part and we have a great couple of wine experts from Everything Wine who have curated a list of wines that can be sampled at 8 of the tour stops. Our VIP “Wined-Up” is being hosted by SABA Café + Bistro and there will be Charcuterie and live music to enjoy. If you are near enough come down and join us. May 9th. Visit www.artfortlangley.com for more info.
It’s tough to let go of pieces that you love but the name of the game is making art to sell so that you can buy supplies to make more art. It’s always bittersweet to see them leave but I believe that they are always going to homes where they will be loved and appreciated so that helps. This triptych was sold recently to a collector. Birds of a feather…
Interested in Learning Letterpress?
Saturday January 26th is our first Letterpress workshop date for 2019! The workshop will run from 10am until 2pm and the cost will be $125 + GST for a 4 hour session of instruction and play time on the press. You’ll have access to a large selection of lead and wood type to set. We suggest that you select a favourite saying or a short poem etc. that you’d like to print or you can just do abstract printing with type forms. You’ll spend a bit of time up front learning about the process and then you can set your type and pull some prints. Plan to wear something that you aren’t afraid to get inky just in case you get messy. The workshop will be limited to a maximum of four students so sign up early.
A series of pieces telling a story about building up the confidence to introduce oneself to another. These crow pieces were fun to do and you can view all of them in the artwork section of the site or live in the gallery.
Just finished this piece the other day and I’m very happy with the way it turned out. I was working differently this time when I started the background but the combination of the colour and the strokes worked well with the image I chose to connect with it. Drop by the gallery any see it for yourself.
Newest piece finished
Just finished this piece. "Cherry Blossoms" is 24x24 inches and hanging in the gallery now waiting for a new home.
Another local piece completed. I love this red building and the view from the observation deck that looks East down the river. This piece is 24 x 48 inches and is available in the gallery now! NOW SOLD!
Working on another piece to get ready for what we hope is going to be a busy summer season.
Upcoming Events - Fort Langley Jazz and Arts Festival
Happy to be taking part in the very first Fort Langley Jazz and Arts Festival on July 28th. Mark your calendar and come down to visit local artists and take in some music.
Just finishing up my latest piece for the gallery. This piece is title "Reserving Judgement" and it's available in the gallery as soon as the varnish dries. The piece is 24 inches wide by 48 inches tall.
Some new work for the sunny season!
The sunshine is bringing people to town again and it's time to get some more work out. The winter provides some quiet time to work but I find I'm more inspired by the sunshine and the springtime weather. Time to get out and get some new images to work with. This latest piece title "Valley Tree" is 36 x 36 inches, mixed media on panel and is now available in the gallery. Drop by and have a look if you are in town. Fort Langley is a great place to visit!
Just finished a few new pieces and got them up on the site today. Check them out in the "Hometown" section. Spring is here and we hope to see more people coming by the studio to see what's new. And if you haven't been in before it will be all new to you.
Some new work over the Holidays
While the holidays were busy and quiet all at the same time I did find some time to putter in the studio on some new works.
We've also decided to close the gallery on Sundays for a little break while the weather is cold and wet. We'll reopen on Sunday once we see the foot traffic pick up again. Feel free to call and make an appointment to view if you would like.
A few new pieces in the gallery.
New work in the gallery for November
A few new paintings in the gallery this week. Check them out in the Gallery section of the site for more detail.